
Announcement of the Online Course: “Right to Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent”

The course will contribute to the rights and sustainable development of Indigenous Peoples in Central America.

Panama August 27, 2024 

The FSC Indigenous Foundation, in collaboration with the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB), the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), and Equitable Origin, is proud to announce the start of the online course on the Right to Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). The course begins today, August 27, 2024, with an opening and induction session to welcome participants and present the course contents and study format. 

FPIC is a specific right of Indigenous Peoples recognized in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) that allows Indigenous Peoples to give or withdraw their consent, at any time, concerning projects affecting their territories. 

“Historically, our Indigenous Peoples have been expelled from their ancestral lands to make way for extractive projects, violating the good living of many Indigenous Peoples. Empowering ourselves in these processes such as FPIC, allows us to make decisions in any proposed development activity in our Indigenous communities.”

Nely González, Lenca People, Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras (CONPAH), who will participate in this course.

The objective of this course is to empower Indigenous leaders and technicians from countries in Central America to guide their communities and organizations in consultation and advocacy processes, understand and apply national and international legislation on FPIC, and use national and international mechanisms for the effective protection of Indigenous territorial rights. 

Through this course, the 50 participants will receive training through five modules with legal lecturers specialized in Indigenous Peoples’ rights on protection and defense of territorial rights, informed consent, and relevant national and international legal mechanisms. 

The course will run for three months, meeting weekly. UNACH will certify participants who have satisfactorily completed the course, readings, exercises, and practical work. 

We are excited about the start of this training and are confident that this course will contribute significantly to the empowerment of Indigenous Peoples in the region to manage, develop, and govern their territories based on the principles of self-development, environmental stewardship, and respect for their rights.  

It is of great importance to be able to participate in the FPIC course, it provides us with the necessary tools so that our Indigenous Peoples know their rights and are protagonists of the initiatives or projects that they do not accept by imposition, but that the cosmovision of our peoples is respected, the benefits they will acquire and what the risks will be in any scenario.”

Marlene Herández, Ngäbe-Buglé People, Panama, working for Geoveristy and participant in this course

This initiative is part of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) Program, supported by USAID, the Forest Stewardship Council, and private sector partners.


TV Indígena wins consultancy to create a campaign to increase the social visibility of Indigenous women in Panamá

The campaign will break false stereotypes and strengthen Indigenous women’s identity and leadership.

The FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) has contracted TV Indígena, an Indigenous media company that promotes the visibility and development of Indigenous Peoples, to carry out a communications campaign for the social visibility of Indigenous women in Panama, break false stereotypes, and strengthen Indigenous women’s identity and leadership.

This campaign is part of the FSC-IF’s commitment to support the implementation of the Indigenous Women of Panama’s Economic Empowerment Plan (PEMIP 2025) under the Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) Program.

Communications campaign

The campaign will promote the visibility of Indigenous women in Panama, through communication and dissemination strategies, highlighting their achievements, challenges, and contributions to their communities and society as a whole. It will be developed with the Indigenous Women’s Advisory Committee of Panama (CAMIP), who will participate in the campaign’s design, implementation, and storytelling.

It will challenge and dismantle ingrained stereotypes and prejudices about Indigenous women, fostering a more just, inclusive and respectful perception of their diversity, including their realities and roles. It aims to sensitize both Panama and the international community about Indigenous women’s rights, culture, and aspirations, promoting solidarity, respect, and collaboration in the construction of a more inclusive and equitable world.

Finally, the campaign will provide tools, resources, and training opportunities that enable Indigenous women to strengthen their cultural identity, improve their communication and leadership skills, and actively participate in decision-making in their communities.

About TV Indígena

TV Indígena is a leading initiative in the field of Indigenous communication in Panama and the Abya Yala region (Americas). Since its founding in 2017, TV Indígena has stood out for its unwavering commitment to the promotion of the rights and culture of Indigenous Peoples, as well as for its innovative and participatory approach in the production and dissemination of audiovisual content together with the territories and traditional authorities.

TV Indígena has worked closely with Cultural Survival on its grant program and targeted programs for Indigenous women, especially through its “Desde la Comunidad” program.

At the international level, TV Indígena has collaborated with the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests during Climate Week, creating content, interviewing Mesoamerican leaders, and providing streaming services, promoting the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the fight against climate change.

TV Indígena has also participated in the “Panama Te Quiero Verde” campaign, with important allies highlighting the importance of a mining-free Panama, creating content on the importance of Panama’s biodiversity and making visible the participation of the Panamanian community and finally achieving the unconstitutionality of Minera Panama. This campaign went viral internationally, achieving the support of actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom, and youth activist Greta Thumber, demonstrating the impact and influence of TV Indígena in the defense of environmental and cultural rights.

TV Indígena has been actively working with women and Indigenous authorities of the 12 territories of Panama, making visible the development of the 12 territories, participating in congresses, and creating content for the Indigenous Women’s Advisory Committee of Panama.

Today, TV Indígena creates audiovisual content, podcasts for various Indigenous social networks, expanding its reach and reaching new audiences around the world. With a diverse and committed team, composed of young people from the 5 Indigenous peoples of Panama, TV Indígena continues its work of empowerment and promotion of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, using communication as a powerful tool for change and social transformation.


FSC-IF partnered with V2I to support Indigenous entrepreneurs in Panama City through a skills-based volunteering initiative

All about this alliance to empower Indigenous entrepreneurs through a program that promotes a win-win exchange.

The FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) partnered with Venture 2 Impact (V2I) to support Indigenous entrepreneurs in Panama City, Central America, through a skills-based volunteering initiative. This collaboration led to a three-week program involving 34 volunteers from companies such as Google, Netflix, DocuSign, Salesforce, Visa, Apple, Checkr, Habu, Workday, and Life 360. The initiative included daily workshops on Business & Entrepreneurship and provided one-on-one mentoring sessions in key areas such as sales, digital marketing, and finance. Designed to help Indigenous entrepreneurs overcome significant challenges like limited access to credit and scarce economic resources, the program aimed to enhance their businesses. V2I employed a human-centered design approach to customize the curriculum and mentorship according to the specific needs identified through discussions and surveys with the entrepreneurs. In total, 17 entrepreneurs from 11 enterprises participated, with women comprising 13 of the participants.

The Challenge

How can we support Indigenous entrepreneurs, located in Panama City, to overcome their largest barriers in business and entrepreneurship through educational workshops and one-on-one mentorship?

  • Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by enhancing their knowledge of general business and business strategies
  • Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their knowledge of best practices for general and digital marketing
  • Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their budgeting and money management skills
  • Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their knowledge of best practices for managing and operating Human Resources and executing their Soft Skills through their business endeavors
  • Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their knowledge of best practices for utilizing technology and digitizing their business operations.

The Innovation

Supporting Indigenous Entrepreneurs

V2I collaborated with the FSC Indigenous Foundation through the USAID and FSC-funded Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) Program to organize a three-week, skills-based volunteering program in Panama City, Central America, aimed at providing entrepreneurship training to Indigenous entrepreneurs. This program was facilitated in support of the FSC Indigenous Foundation’s recognition that Indigenous peoples, globally, face various challenges including limited access to justice due to structural violence, criminalization and murder of Indigenous leaders, land dispossession from historical and ongoing colonization, and escalating poverty due to limited development opportunities, education, and technology. The FSC-IF believes that enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ technical, organizational, and managerial skills consistently over the long term will empower them to better engage with national governments and the private sector for mutual benefits.

Those Involved

The program brought together 34 volunteers from companies such as Google, Netflix, DocuSign, Salesforce, Visa, Apple, Checkr, Habu, Workday, and Life 360, who conducted daily Business & Entrepreneurship workshops and provided 12 one-on-one mentoring sessions to 17 entrepreneurs, 13 of which were women, from 11 enterprises. These entrepreneurs are part of various Indigenous Peoples including Guna, Embera, Wounaan, and Ngäbe-Buglé, and were involved in sectors such as tourism/ecotourism, food and beverage, handicrafts, gastronomy, transport, and fashion and design, striving to overcome significant challenges.

Participant Selection

Prior to selecting eligible participants for the program, the selection criteria were strategically coordinated with various Indigenous Peoples Organizations supported by the FSC-IF in Panama. The Advisory Committee of Indigenous Women of Panama (CAMIP), key in implementing the Economic Empowerment Plan for the Indigenous Peoples of Panama (PEMIP), was instrumental in identifying women entrepreneurs for the program. Furthermore, coordination with strategic partners like the General Congress of the Guna Indigenous People allowed the FSC-IF to connect with Indigenous business initiatives related to tourism and coconut oil production to learn more about the potential participants and spread awareness of the program.

Learning the Local Context

To conduct further discovery, V2I staff visited the FSC Indigenous Foundation’s headquarters in Panama City, Panama, in August of 2023 to meet directly with Indigenous entrepreneurs and define the main components of their future programming using a human-centered design approach. Insights from discussions and surveys indicated that the entrepreneurs needed the most support in areas such as sales and business strategy, digital marketing, technology and digitization, budgeting and finance, and human resources.

Armed with knowledge from these various resources, volunteers developed an introductory Business & Entrepreneurship curriculum. They also participated in workshops to gain cultural awareness and received guidance from the FSC Indigenous Foundation team and partners on effectively working with Indigenous Peoples.

Cultural Exchange

Mentors visited a local Indigenous community before the workshops commenced to participate in an Indigenous ceremony and learn about the culture and tourism promotion efforts. This experience deepened their understanding of the importance of collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and highlighted a women-led tourism and handicrafts enterprise.

Program Objectives

The curriculum was delivered through daily in-person workshops from February 27 to March 15, with each week bringing a new group of volunteers serving as professional consultants. These volunteers also conducted one-on-one mentoring sessions, providing direct support to Indigenous entrepreneurs to help enhance their businesses. The objectives of supporting the Indigenous entrepreneurs included:

  • Objective #1: Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by enhancing their knowledge of general business and business strategies
  • Objective #2: Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their knowledge of best practices for general and digital marketing
  • Objective #3: Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their budgeting and money management skills
  • Objective #4: Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their knowledge of best practices for managing and operating Human Resources and executing their Soft Skills through their business endeavors
  • Objective #5: Support the Indigenous entrepreneurs by increasing their knowledge of best practices for utilizing technology and digitizing their business operations

The impact

  • 100% of the Indigenous entrepreneurs increased their knowledge of general business and business strategies.
  • 100% of the Indigenous entrepreneurs increased their knowledge of general and digital marketing.
  • 100% of the Indigenous entrepreneurs increased their knowledge of finance and budgeting.
  • 100% of the Indigenous entrepreneurs increased their knowledge of Human Resources and Soft Skills.
  • 100% of the Indigenous entrepreneurs increased their knowledge of IT and Digitization
  • 84.6% of Indigenous entrepreneurs strongly agreed that they gained new knowledge that will be useful for their work and their community.
  • 92.3% of Indigenous Entrepreneurs mentioned they were Extremely Satisfied with the training delivered by the Venture 2 Impact volunteers.
  • 100% of volunteers agreed that they gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by nonprofits.
  • 92% of volunteers agreed that they applied their expertise to the partner nonprofit’s challenge.
  • 92% of volunteers strongly agreed that they found it fulfilling to use their expertise in a new or different context.
  • 71% of volunteers strongly agreed that participating in this activity will have direct value on their career development goals.

The program also promoted networking and collaboration amongst the Indigenous entrepreneurs and supported the sales of their businesses through product and service fairs held at the end of the training.

Volunteer feedback

“I truly appreciated feeling the gratitude from the entrepreneurs as we worked with them and tried to help them solve some of their current challenges.”

Anonymous volunteer

Indigenous entrepreneurs feedback

“Very proud to be able to call myself an entrepreneur, I feel more complete”

Anonymous Indigenous entrepreneur

Our reflection

“This program and this partnership with Venture 2 Impact and the participation of the international volunteers have been wonderful and represent one of the most important achievements in the actions that FSC Indigenous Foundation is promoting to build the capacities and develop the economic models of Indigenous Peoples. For instance, our organization identifies the following achievements of this program:

  • Networking and collaboration among the Indigenous entrepreneurs who participated.
  • Indigenous entrepreneurs acquired skills to present their businesses to different stakeholders and how to continue to improve their business model.
  • The mentors committed to sharing the Indigenous ventures in their social media and other programs of their companies.
  • Opportunities and challenges Indigenous Peoples’ enterprises face in Panama and methodologies to provide them with business mentoring were identified.
  • IPARD identified the characteristics of the ventures that participated in the program and will continue to look for opportunities to include them in new initiatives to be implemented in the future.
  • The mentors were sensitized about working with Indigenous Peoples and their businesses and many estates committed to supporting these enterprises in other ways.”

Context of the partnership

Venture 2 Impact (V2I) was first introduced to the team at the FSC Indigenous Foundation through our corporate partner, DocuSign, in 2022. During this initial introduction, DocuSign requested that V2I  engage FSC-IF in a virtual volunteer alliance project that would support our organization to digitize our manual processes. After months of co-creation and collaboration alongside the V2I, both of our organizations agreed that, due to our shared values and successful partnership, we would begin exploring further opportunities for collaboration including an in-person program to work directly with Indigenous entrepreneurs who are currently supported by the FSC-IF. This partnership was further solidified through the establishment of an inter-organizational Memorandum of Understanding, signed by both parties in April 2023.

About Us

The Forest Stewardship Council Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) is an Indigenous-led global organization registered as a non-profit in the Republic of Panama. Since its establishment, they have worked to fulfill their mission of elevating Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in their contribution to the protection of Mother Earth and recognizing them as providers of solutions to global challenges, promoting sustainable self-determination of their territories in line with Indigenous ancestral knowledge, customary rights, and cosmovision as core pillars for their long-term self-governance and self-reliance objectives.


The Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) is a global development alliance implemented by the FSC-IF convening multi-sector partners to create long-term solutions with and for Indigenous Peoples. It was created and is currently funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with private sector partners.

About Venture 2 Impact

Venture 2 Impact connects skilled volunteers with nonprofits and charitable organizations to support and scale their work and will be supporting with the facilitation of this collaboration.

Venture 2 Impact uses design thinking and human centered design to solve complex challenges by linking global communities to skilled volunteers. V2I leverages untapped skills to create lasting impact. Through education, economic development, and empowerment projects, V2I works to equip NGOs, participants, and volunteers with skills, resources, and knowledge to advance gender equity, economic opportunity, and well-being.

Discover More About Indigenous Entrepreneurs: Read On

New toolkit unlocks accessible support for Indigenous entrepreneurs


National Meeting of the Indigenous Women’s Platform and Launching of the School of Governance and Leadership for Indigenous Women

Eighty women leaders gathered to exchange experiences and knowledge

Panajachel, Sololá, July 5 and 6, 2024

Panajachel, Sololá – As part of the project “Weaving the participation and development of political and economic capacities of Indigenous Women in Guatemala”, the Indigenous Women’s Platform held the National Meeting of the Indigenous Women’s Platform on July 5 and 6, 2024. This significant event, which took place in Panajachel, Sololá, brought together 80 women leaders from different territories and linguistic communities to foster collaboration and the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

The event also marked the launch of the School of Governance and Leadership for Indigenous Women, a crucial initiative to strengthen women’s leadership and empowerment capacities in political and public decision-making.  In addition, the inclusion of women in community, local, and national processes will be promoted. With the participation of 50 women leaders from various communities in the country, the first cohort of this School was formally presented to the diplomatic corps accredited in Guatemala, representatives of state institutions, and the media.

During the meeting, strategic alliances were formalized between the Indigenous Women’s Platform and various key actors, including signing agreements with the University Center of the West of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (CUNOC) and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). These alliances are a testament to the ongoing commitment to strengthening the leadership capacities of women and their empowerment in the political arena.

The event’s program includes an inaugural lecture for the first cohort of the School of Governance and Leadership, providing participants with an overview of the program’s content and relevance. In addition, a political and social conjunctural analysis provided a detailed understanding of the political, economic, and social situation in the country, highlighting strategic opportunities for the empowerment of Indigenous women.

Organizers and Participants

This initiative is part of the project “Weaving the participation and development of political and economic capacities of Indigenous Women in Guatemala”, implemented jointly with the FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) and financed by USAID and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). It included the participation of prominent figures such as Dr. Rigoberta Menchú Tum, president of the Board of Directors of the Indigenous Women’s Platform, and representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Guatemala, the FSC Indigenous Foundation, UN Women and the Centro Universitario de Occidente of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

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