FSC Indigenous Foundation


David Flood

PIPC Co-Chair and Representative for Canada

David Flood (Zonzei Maiingun) is from Matachewan First Nation, an Ojibway band that is signatory to Treaty 9 area in northeast Ontario or the height-of-land. He has over 30 years’ experience in Forestry and Land Management combined with roles in First Nation advocacy, policy and in leading business development. Currently he serves as the General Manager for Wahkohtowin Development which is a social enterprise held by three First Nations to design pathways to full participation in Forest and Land Management across their respective Territories. The desire is to fulfill inherent land stewardship responsibilities, enhance community well-being and diversification into climate change, and action activities that seek to maintain a sustainable environment in their homelands. David is passionate about cultural revival and investing in the youth-elder intergenerational relationship this is fundamental for emerging Guardian Programs to keep the circle intact for the individual youth but also their interconnectedness and place in this world – Wahkohtowin. He holds a B.Sc. in Forest Management from the University of Alberta and a Forest Technologist Diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), and is a Registered Professional Forester in Ontario.